Tuesday, June 5, 2012

blog 2

Does popular science of today awe us? Inspire us? Or threaten us?
                For many years society has drawn a thick bold line separating the world of science from just about everything else. However in the past recent years people have gradually worked on blurring that line so today it is not that distinct, there is still however a separation between the two worlds.
                One of the ways people have tried to make the line between science and the rest of world not as defined is through writing novels, producing  movies, and making television seriers. One such television series I enjoy watching is The Big Bang theory.
                The Big Bang Theory is about a group of four friends three of which are scientist.
The way The Big Bang theory portrays science in this television series is wondrous, and awe inspiring. With the experiments they do and robots they make as well as other scientific gadgets they are able to create are really incredible.
                The way these scientist personalities are portrayed is almost typical to the stereotype of “science geek” that society has assumed on all scientist. These guys talk with a vocabulary consisting of words no shorter then seven characters. Even the simplest thing being said is over worded and said in the long worded scientific language.
                The Big Bang Theory does a great job at blurring the line between the world of science and the rest of the world. They dumb down the science and make what they are doing relatable to the rest of the people.

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